The Perfect Reading School Assembly For Your Elementary, Middle and Junior High Students

This Fun & Amazing Reading Show is Filled With Magic, Audience Participation, Books & Much More

Reading is fun, and books open new worlds for your students. The best Chicago school assemblies on reading get students excited to read because they highlight the actual wonderful aspects of books.

Most other reading school assemblies drop the ball on the actual reading part. They might be fun, but they don’t leave students hungry to explore the library.

Fortunately, Scott Green isn’t like most reading school assembly presenters in Chicago. He’s an expert at taking a topic and making it irresistibly fun. All without sacrificing the educational value that makes it a worthwhile use of school time.

Skeptical? Here’s what a few of his past clients say:

“Kept everyone engaged… fun AND educational!”
—Susan Geidner, Elementary Reading Director, Glenview, IL

“A librarian’s delight!”
—Rose Johnson, Children’s Librarian, Wheeling, IL

Without These 2 Ingredients, a School Assembly on Reading is a Waste of Time

Many school assembly presenters do one of two things well. Some great at whipping up the kids into a frenzy—but there’s not enough educational value. Not enough ‘meat on the bone.’

The result? Your school’s teachers grumble, “We pulled our kids out of class for this?” Classroom time is precious.

Other presenters swing too far the other way. They become so fixated on lessons and messages that they bore the kids to tears.

Your school assembly presenter must bring the fun stuff to engage the kids. And they must weave their educational content in with the fun. You can’t have one without the other.

To say Scott’s show is balanced doesn’t mean it’s 50% fun and 50% educational. Rather, the assembly is 100% fun and 100% educational. The ability to make the educational moments fun and the fun moments educational is what makes Scott’s shows so exceptional. Your faculty will love Scott’s messages. Your students will love that they’re having a great time.

Why “Into Books” Will Be Your Assembly Highlight of the Year

Scott Green’s incredible “Into Books” puts the focus on books that force students to read actively.

What does that mean?

Mystery books, where the reader is in the shoes of the protagonist detective. Choose Your Own Adventure books, where the reader actively decides what happens next. Active Nonfiction, like how-to books, where the reader directly applies what they’re reading to the real world.

In other words, books that are more than passive. Books that even students who think they don’t like to read will find irresistible. “Into Books” will get your students… wait for it… into books.

This Show About Interactive Books Is Itself Wildly Interactive

Of course it is!

Your students will be involved in this super interactive show. As Chicago’s premier family entertainer, Scott knows the best way to captivate any audience is to involve them. Scott brings a ton of student volunteers “on stage” during the show. They’ll participate, laugh, and help make the magic happen.

And like all of Scott’s assemblies, even the students in their seats will feel like part of the action. They’ll be buzzing about it for the rest of the school year!

The Easiest School Assembly Presenter in Chicago

As Chicago’s busiest and most well-known family entertainer, Scott understands how busy schools are. He guarantees you’ve never had an assembly easier to hoist than his. His program sets up fast. Like, “under 15 minutes” fast, including his own state-of-the-art PA system. Like, sometimes even “under 5 minutes” fast. And Scott’s load-out is even faster, so the next group won’t have to wait to use the gym.

And Scott can present “Into Books” anywhere: gymnasium, cafeteria, multi-purpose room, etc. You name it, Scott can do it.

How to Bring This Amazing School Assembly on Reading to Your Students

Need more information? Simply fill out the Contact Form on this page. You’ll receive “Into Books” information you can look over and forward to your committee. And just for responding, Scott will also send you his special FREE report: ”The Counterintuitive & Fun 2-Word SECRET To Help Students Retain More Information.” You won’t believe how effective this is. Or how much fun it is!

But here’s the bad news.

Scott Green truly is Chicago’s busiest family entertainer. That means his schedule is often booked up weeks or months in advance. There are fewer than 200 days in the school year... and Scott’s only one guy.

To make sure you don’t miss out on this fun and amazing program, contact Scott TODAY while you’re thinking about it.